Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Concepts of Security Protection of Citizens

Information component of emergency is a special software is an automated information system "Duty" (AC DF). All accepted the alarm, audio and video of the negotiations and the reaction of the duty on them is recorded in the database AC DF, call the admissions process is automated attendant. Duty is only to fill an electronic "card incident." The software is modular, can include geographic information, analytical and other components, depending on the wishes of the customer.
All accepted the alarm, audio and video of the negotiations and the reaction of the duty on them is recorded in the database AC DF fill in the form of "Cards accident." System of a stationary emergency works in close integration with citywide video surveillance, forming a single complex, which allows to assess the situation on the streets.
According to the National Security Concept, issues of security of citizens included in the collection of national interests. 

 Among the priorities identified components of the security protection of the individual, society and the state from criminal attacks. The system includes complex emergency communication devices and equipment monitoring center (it can be specialized servers, gateways, routers, PBX, etc.). Depending on the type of data can be used optional intermediate level.

Undoubtedly, the organization of law enforcement on city streets and other public places - one of the greatest challenges to effective solutions which significantly depends on reducing the criminalization of social relations, and a decrease in crime. Its achievement is impossible without an effective system of control over the operational situation and without the empowerment of citizens operative communication with law enforcement. Today is such a system "Safe city" that turns into a new form of organization of public order, more efficient than the former. One of the major components of the "Safe City" is a steady-state hotline "citizen-police."

The system of emergency "Citizen Militia" allows you to organize the most rapid treatment of citizens in the internal affairs bodies, monitoring centers, and as a consequence, increase the percentage of crimes solved by 'hot pursuit', to raise the overall level of safety of citizens through the creation of "islands of security."
The system is a set of hardware and software that allows you to implement a national treatment for bilateral audio channel through the device in an emergency monitoring center and is designed to receive messages from the public about the facts of a criminal nature, violations of public order, accidents, natural disasters and other emergencies. The overall composition of the system and algorithm
Emergency units are user-friendly interface. To call a duty to make a single call button (pressing or holding the button does not affect the operation of the device). During connection establishment unit plays signals, similar to an ordinary telephone signals. A conversation with the duty is performed in full-duplex speakerphone mode. Adjust the speaker volume and microphone sensitivity is performed automatically during operation. Terminating only at the initiative of duty. Maybe a hidden listening device near the situation an emergency.
Places to the installation of emergency communication specialists are determined to public safety. The maximum efficiency is achieved by installing devices in the busiest areas of the city and criminogenic (railway stations, markets, places of mass gathering of citizens, etc.). Information on emergency communication device enters the monitoring center, where the duty officer responds to a message received from a person - for example, is patrolling.
At the monitoring center is located equipment reception, recording and processing of information circulating in the system. At the disposal system has the duty to control micro-telephone headset and a workstation (AWS) based on a personal computer. When called with an emergency standby unit hears the call control system, and on-screen workstation sees a picture from a camera device.

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