Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Best Career Posts at 2013 September

when the business owner has any vital requirements, the planning step is where those queries can have to be compelled to be thought of. by way of example, when the company intends out to expand its existing building the line or expand its storage potential, these big picture objectives have that should be factors within your blueprint. alternative considerations embody those as to the buildings insurance underwriter. typically a carriers requirements could possibly be a lot of stringent in comparison to the customary rules.
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. And in fact there are many more careers suitable to handle, due to a variety of conditions and a variety of job prospects there are not filled by public health personnel and medical scholars, even some filled by workers from other areas of science. 
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he more advanced technology, such as medical technology, it is relevant to the field of education will also adjust. This adjustment is intended for practitioners and workers in the health sector, the available and qualified to address health issues, health technology, health informatics, and community needs. Many programs or majors offered at the university, which is designed for those who want to pursue a college degree healthcare technologies, master or ms in health informatics, in order to obtain a career in health care organizations or hospitals. 
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Monday, May 20, 2013

Some Tips for Healthy Nutrition and Diet

Your body will be much better if you introduce changes gradually. Increase the amount of physical activity little by little, day by day. The same about nutrition: introduce new eating habits gradually, so that complete change of a diet won’t be a shock for your body.
If you decided to lose some weight the most important thing you should remember is that crash diets and bursts of exercise would be unnecessary and even dangerous distress for your body. You don’t need to either starve or exercise till complete exhaustion.

Tip #1: make a plan.

Make lists of exercises you’ll practice and food you’ll eat, exclude some products and/or alcohol, and keep to the list.
Make a plan for each week for a couple of months, and then keep a daily diary to tell about everything you do and anything you eat. A diary will help you notice your mistakes, and with the help of an on-line blog you will probably find like-minded people, support and helpful advice.

Tip #2: reduce calorie intake gradually.

Calories are the main reason why so many people are overweight. But cutting out completely the intake of calories isn’t a good idea. Crash diets (daily nutrition value less than 1500 calories) are both ineffective and harmful, they often don’t help people lose weight but vice versa can lead to even more serious problems with weight and health in general.
Cakes, sweets are the worst enemies of your waistline. But that doesn’t mean that from now you mustn’t eat them at all. It means that their consumption should be less by 300-500 calories each day, which leads to a loss about one or two pounds per week. Don’t be afraid that it’s too slow: with small steps you’ll walk much further.

Tip #3: switch to a plant-based diet.

We consume fats, the main source of calories, with fatty foods. Switching to reduced consumption of fatty foods and increased consumption of fruit, vegetables, and wholegrain is a great step on the road to a slim figure.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Social Adaptation and Family Tree

All this testifies to the increasing role of the health system of a new type of professional activity - medical social work. The formation of this type of activity is due to the deteriorating health of the population that required addressing health and social issues to a new level - at the level of socio-medical work.
Medical studies mainly anatomical and physiological condition of the human body as a whole and its separate systems, identifying deviations from the physiological norm, diagnose pathological changes in the body, determine cause and effect relationships underlying the mechanisms of disease. 

 It uses different methods for a full recovery of the body, normalizing its physiological processes. The tasks of social work include the identification of major factors that have the most significant impact on human health, his social adaptation and family tree, possibly affecting the health of children. 

However, the prevention activities carried out by medical personnel are often not effective because it does not affect the whole complex of social problems and solves them in part. 

 At the same time not studied the effect of individual social factors and their combinations on human health, almost no studies of society and the economic condition of families, in particular provision of the necessities for human life: housing, employment, transportation, food, no studies are demographic indicators: incidence, fertility, mortality, reproduction, population, etc.; not take into account local economic conditions of residence and its effect on human health.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Issues of Patient Safety Alliance

Each year the Alliance Day is held in a different WHO region. In 2004, the "prelaunch" Day was celebrated in the Alliance of the People's Republic of China, in Shanghai. This year the event will bring together key policy-makers, representatives of NGOs and civil society groups of the WHO European Region, as well as experts from all over the world to discuss issues of patient safety degrees. Particular emphasis in the light of technical progress at the regional level, will be placed on the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Baltic countries.
World Alliance for Patient Safety, brings together policy makers, experts and agents from all over the world in order to improve patient safety - an important component of quality health care - based on monitoring, research, policy development and international cooperation in the agreed priority areas.

Randomness or unpredictability of the onset of
Event means the inability to accurately
determine the time and place of its occurrence.
Object - the physical or material
object (phenomenon), as well as property
interest. As a physical object
serves people (in our case - the patient)
material - kakoelibo
property interest - the intangible
property of an object, for example, pribyl.__

The work of the Alliance is focused in six key areas: Global Challenge: Ensuring Patient Safety: Work in this area in 2005-2006. will be devoted to the problem of infections associated with medical care, and will be held under the slogan: "Clean - The pledge of safe treatment";

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

General Tasks of Overcoming Crisis

Knowledge is needed urgently. In 1996 in the journal “Sociological Studies” held “round table” on “The History of sociology and history of social thought: the general and special.” JT Toshchenko expressed this thought: “How and when the cleavage between a social and sociological knowledge, occurred when the face that made it possible to speak of sociology as a science of the sovereign?

What reasons led to its institutionalization? However, in general the task of overcoming the crisis management degree of modernization in the caste society could not solve, the Russian Empire fell, according to Weber, the “historical trap” – a system of interacting vicious circles. Whatever made the tsarist government, discontent was growing.

The presence of these vicious circles, Weber explains, in particular, the hostile attitude of the autocracy towards the Zemstvo self-government as an institution, and therefore a significant part of the nobility and the intelligentsia. In an attempt to stop the revolution of the autocracy was forced to suppress their natural allies. Having stripped-down, emasculated constitution (Manifesto October 17, 1905), it has become hostage to autocracy, and has lost its power, not gaining anything in return.

From now on, it only worsened the situation, but was unable to improve it. “It is not in a position to attempt to resolve whatever the big social problem, not dealing with a death-blow” – wrote Weber. Now, in the new society, there were masses of people not included in any community structures, in addition, they were mass generated by the revolution, people with new thinking, rejecting the old hierarchies and old authorities. The world itself was devoid of holiness during the Protestant Reformation, the more devoid of holiness were state and power. Required new knowledge about the society, obtained by using new methods.
Augustine expressed the drama of man in society, going through a huge philosophical, spiritual and social shift – from pagan antiquity to the Christian Middle Ages, and from slavery to the new fabric of life. His “Confessions” is close to us today by the sense of this crisis.

Ecumenical Councils and the debates with the heretics, the organization of monasteries and schools, business records management estates orders of chivalry, the development of large programs such as the Crusades – it was saturated with issues that we have now carried it to the social studies. In the Middle Ages in the monasteries of scholastics and universities to cultivate norms and methods of discussion, the ways and means of setting goals conclusions. They performed only time-consuming work on the development of cognitive tools applicable to the reality of society. The magnitude of the intellectual work was, by the standards of Russia at that time, very, very large. It is hard to say what would have been Russian Middle Ages, if not for the invasion of the Mongols. But the historical reality will not change.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Quotes of the North American Indians Leaders

These comments are owned sedentary Bull, White Cloud, Sitlu and other notable leaders of the North American Indians of the XIX century:

"First, look for traces of their moccasins before you judge the faults of others."
"Before you love, learn to walk on snow without leaving a trace."
"There is no death. There is only a transition between the worlds."
"Those who lie down with dogs - get up with fleas."
"How clever to be the language of white, if they can make the right looks like an invalid, and looking the wrong as right."

"Strive for wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge - is the past. Wisdom - is the future."
"We do not want churches because they teach us to argue about God."
"A" take "better than two" I'll give '. "
"You do not need many words to tell the truth."
"A good man sees good signs."
"He who is silent, he knows twice as much than a chatterbox."
"My son will never farmers. Anyone who works on the ground, sees no dreams, and wisdom comes to us in dreams."
"What is life? This light firefly in the night. This breath of a buffalo, when winter comes. This is a shadow on the grass beds, and melting at sunset."
"When the last tree is cut down, when the last river poisoned, when the last bird to be caught - only then you realize that money is not there."
"The Great Spirit is imperfect. He has a light side and dark. Sometimes the dark side gives us more knowledge than light."
"The knowledge hidden in every thing. Once the world was a library."
"In order to hear yourself, you need the silent days."
"In order to understand himself, talked to a stone in the mountains ...".
"If you noticed that you ride a dead horse - slazit".
"When the Great Spirit gives a new day, he sends him - everything."
"Look at me. I am poor and naked. But I'm the leader of his people. We do not need wealth. We just want to teach our children to be right. We want peace and love."
"When you attach a horse to a stake, do you expect that she work up power?".
"Do not bother people about their religion."
"Even your silence can be a part of prayer."
"Why did you take by force what can not take the love?".
"There are many ways to smell a skunk."
"Tell me - and I'll forget, show me - and I can not remember, I was attracted to participate - and I'll understand."
"We have to" - only to die. "
"The old time was wonderful. Old men sat in the sun on the threshold of his house and played with children as long as the sun plunged into slumber. Old men playing with their children every day. And at some point they just did not wake up."
"When the legend is dying and the lost dream in the world is greatness."
"Do not walk behind me - perhaps I'll take you. Do not walk ahead of me - perhaps I do not follow you. Go near, and we will be in one piece."
"It is true - this is what people believe."
"Even a small mouse has a right to anger."
"I suffer when I think how much has been said good words, and how many promises were broken. In this world, too many say those who do not have the right to speak."
"He who tells the stories rules the world."
"Water has no hair."
"The frog does not drink the pond in which he lives."
"The wind that gave our grandfathers, their first breath, and get their last breath, the wind must also give our children the spirit of life."
"Oh Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds,"
"I come to you as one of many of your children."
"I need your strength and wisdom."
"Make me strong not to rise above my brother, but to conquer my greatest enemy - myself."
"I was on the edge of the earth. I was on the edge of the water. I was on the edge of the sky. I was on the edge of the mountains."
"I have not found anyone who would not be my friend."
"If you have something to say, Arise, that you saw."
"The Raven cries not because they portend trouble, but because the enemies in the bushes."
"Remember, man, too animal, only smarter."
"Do not judge a man until you were two moons in his moccasins."
"Man himself must make their own arrows."
"The white man too many chiefs."
"Everything in the world - has its own song."
"Above me - beauty below me - the beauty. And when I leave the body - I'll go path of beauty."
"The child - a guest in your house - feed, learn and let go."
"Ask from your heart, and hear the answer from the heart."
"Speak to the children when they eat, and what you say will stay even when you're gone."
"When you see that a rattlesnake preparing to strike - hit first."
"You can not wake a person who pretends to be asleep."
"The white man is greedy. In his pocket he wears a linen cloth, which vysmarkivaet his nose - as if afraid that the blown out and may miss something very valuable."
"We are poor because we are honest."
"When a person prays one day, and then sin six, the Great Spirit is angry, and the evil spirit of laughs."
"Well spoken word more aptly thrown ax."
"Even dead fish can go with the flow."
"The soul would not be a rainbow if the eyes had no tears."
"Life flows from the inside out. Following this idea, you yourself will become true."

Read also - Service for disaster victims.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Concepts of Security Protection of Citizens

Information component of emergency is a special software is an automated information system "Duty" (AC DF). All accepted the alarm, audio and video of the negotiations and the reaction of the duty on them is recorded in the database AC DF, call the admissions process is automated attendant. Duty is only to fill an electronic "card incident." The software is modular, can include geographic information, analytical and other components, depending on the wishes of the customer.
All accepted the alarm, audio and video of the negotiations and the reaction of the duty on them is recorded in the database AC DF fill in the form of "Cards accident." System of a stationary emergency works in close integration with citywide video surveillance, forming a single complex, which allows to assess the situation on the streets.
According to the National Security Concept, issues of security of citizens included in the collection of national interests. 

 Among the priorities identified components of the security protection of the individual, society and the state from criminal attacks. The system includes complex emergency communication devices and equipment monitoring center (it can be specialized servers, gateways, routers, PBX, etc.). Depending on the type of data can be used optional intermediate level.

Undoubtedly, the organization of law enforcement on city streets and other public places - one of the greatest challenges to effective solutions which significantly depends on reducing the criminalization of social relations, and a decrease in crime. Its achievement is impossible without an effective system of control over the operational situation and without the empowerment of citizens operative communication with law enforcement. Today is such a system "Safe city" that turns into a new form of organization of public order, more efficient than the former. One of the major components of the "Safe City" is a steady-state hotline "citizen-police."

The system of emergency "Citizen Militia" allows you to organize the most rapid treatment of citizens in the internal affairs bodies, monitoring centers, and as a consequence, increase the percentage of crimes solved by 'hot pursuit', to raise the overall level of safety of citizens through the creation of "islands of security."
The system is a set of hardware and software that allows you to implement a national treatment for bilateral audio channel through the device in an emergency monitoring center and is designed to receive messages from the public about the facts of a criminal nature, violations of public order, accidents, natural disasters and other emergencies. The overall composition of the system and algorithm
Emergency units are user-friendly interface. To call a duty to make a single call button (pressing or holding the button does not affect the operation of the device). During connection establishment unit plays signals, similar to an ordinary telephone signals. A conversation with the duty is performed in full-duplex speakerphone mode. Adjust the speaker volume and microphone sensitivity is performed automatically during operation. Terminating only at the initiative of duty. Maybe a hidden listening device near the situation an emergency.
Places to the installation of emergency communication specialists are determined to public safety. The maximum efficiency is achieved by installing devices in the busiest areas of the city and criminogenic (railway stations, markets, places of mass gathering of citizens, etc.). Information on emergency communication device enters the monitoring center, where the duty officer responds to a message received from a person - for example, is patrolling.
At the monitoring center is located equipment reception, recording and processing of information circulating in the system. At the disposal system has the duty to control micro-telephone headset and a workstation (AWS) based on a personal computer. When called with an emergency standby unit hears the call control system, and on-screen workstation sees a picture from a camera device.